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Europe on Caffeine

I spent a month in Europe this past August. I spent most of my time in London, Paris, Vienna, and Berlin. Since I was hopping between several countries, I wanted to travel light, which meant that I decided to leave my big, honking Canon 5D Mark II and medium format cameras home on this trip.

I took my DSLR with me when I spent six weeks in Australia back in 2015, and while I did appreciate having it with me at times, I mostly found it too cumbersome to carry (I walked A LOT) and truth be told, I'm really not that into touristy photos (that's what my iPhone is for). For this trip I decided to take my old Canon T70 with a 50 mm lens (I L-O-V-E this camera), and truthfully, I did not miss my DSLR. I used my iPhone and uploaded my snapshots to my Instagram account (follow me!) and used my T70 for the rest. 

Three rolls of 24 exposure, expired Kodak Tri-X 400 was the only film to brought with me, and I developed using caffenol (coffee) developing method, which I discussed in a previous journal posting. This film also went through several airport x-rays, so everything about this felt like a bit of an experiment. Despite of the unknown variables, I am quite happy with the results! (Note: the different tones between pics is due to negative scanning and not due to processing with instant coffee.)





(These photos were taken at the Montparnasse Cemetery).